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Forecasting tools

World-class forecasting with interfaces for everyone. Single-target precision & scenario-based forecasts, data exploration, and scenario creation.

What is it

Time series forecasting & analysis visualized

Powerful enough for a data scientist, still usable by anyone. Chronos' interfaces make forecasting and time series analysis visual and intuitive.

Forecasting Expertise

Forecasts are generated with cutting edge machine learning techniques. Our library allows you to build forecasts that you can use your expertise to build upon.

Flexible Planning

You’re not stuck with a single chart produced by a black box. Leverage your own business expertise and insights about a rapidly changing world to adjust your forecasts.

Data Exploration

Upload data to understand relationships that exist between time series. Utilize our curated collection of time series to understand how factors drive business.

What can it do

A suite of tools

Chronos makes a suite of tools available for many time series related tasks. Forecasting tools can be used with advanced algorithms, human-understandable forecasts, and batch forecasting. Each tool gives the user an intuitive visual to understand what their data is saying.

Precision Forecasting

Generate forecasts using state-of-the-art algorithms and advanced model analysis

Precision Forecasting app icon

Scenario-based Forecasting

Generate forecasts for a number of scenarios at once and view the results together

Scenario-based Forecasting app icon

Data Exploration

Exploratory data analysis to visualize the characteristics of your data

Data Exploration app icon


A curated collection of datasets from publicly available sources

GlobalPulse app icon

Anomaly Detection

In-sample detection, visualization, and removal of unexpected data points

Forecasting Challenge

Data scientists @ Nousot challenge each other to create the best forecast for a single series. Data scientists compare forecasts to other state-of-the-art methodologies as well as the actual values as they come in.

"Scenario-based forecasting provides a framework for businesses to leverage extra information into their decision-making process in a practical way."

Mahyar's headshot
Mahyar Moghadam, Data Science Lead


Bitcoin Price

Select a series to visualize...

Challenge Details

Target: Bitcoin Price

Training period: to

Forecast period: to

AlgorithmMAEMAPE (%)
Scenario Alpha3760.3620.32
Default Prophet5292.5924.06

These forecasts are opinion and are for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.

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Our philosophy

Data science accelerated

When building a new forecasting tool, we make sure it fits with our overall design philosophy. Leverage human intuition, be easy-to-use, and never sacrafice performance.


Scenario-based Forecasting leverages a new paradigm in machine learning and advanced analytics which is known as human-in-the-loop. Human-in-the-loop aims to achieve what neither a human being nor a machine can achieve on their own. When a machine isn’t able to solve a problem, humans need to step in and intervene.

The Scenario Creation tool makes new scenario generation fast and effective. From market research to business instinct and even word of mouth, there is valuable insight that an analyst with good domain knowledge can bring to the table.

Scenario creation UI

Ease of Use

All of the interfaces that are a part of the Chronos platform have been designed so that anyone can use them, no matter their technical background.

Where relevant, Chronos provides interactive visualizations to see your data in ways not possible with the standard data science toolkit.

Scenario creation UI

Accuracy & reliability

Chronos employs many of the most popular algorithms as supported forecasting engines, covering all methodologies from statistical, curve fitting, and machine learning. Skilled users leverage the platform to deliver the most optimized result for a given time series.

For advanced users, Chronos doesn't compromise tuning and adjustment for simplicitiy. For each supported forecasting engine, users can adjust the behavior of their forecasts with the relevant parameters exposed.

Prophet model decomposition