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Online Retail

Powerful forecasting solutions designed to cater to the unique needs of online retailers. Our cutting-edge technology and data-driven approach empower you to make informed decisions for your financial institution, bolstering your strategy and driving success.

Stay ahead of the curve with

Market Forecasts

We know that online retailers must navigate a rapidly changing global environment. That's why our team of data scientists and advanced algorithms work tirelessly to generate highly accurate forecasts for time series that are relevant to your sector. With these insights, you can anticipate market trends, identify opportunities for growth, and make data-backed decisions that drive your company's success.

E-commerce Sales Growth

Analyzing the overall growth trends in e-commerce sales enables online retailers to gauge the potential for expansion and strategize effectively to capture a larger market share.

Consumer Confidence Index

Monitoring the Consumer Confidence Index helps online retailers understand consumer sentiment and adjust their marketing strategies to match prevailing economic conditions.

Retail Price Indices

Tracking Retail Price Indices allows online retailers to anticipate changes in price levels, helping them make informed decisions about pricing strategies and procurement costs.

Get customized insights with

Bring-your-own-data Forecasts

We recognize that every technology company has its own unique goals and challenges. That's why we've developed our Bring-Your-Own-Data Forecasts, allowing you to use our advanced forecasting tools with your custom data. Simply provide us with the data that matters most to your business, and we'll generate tailored predictions specific to your needs. From sales projections to customer lifetime value, our Bring-Your-Own-Data Forecasts enable you to optimize your online retail operations with unparalleled precision and confidence.

Example datasets other online retailers have forecasted

Cart Abandonment Rates

Identify friction points in the customer journey, leading to targeted interventions and improvements in conversion rates.

Customer Acquisition Costs

Help online retailers allocate their marketing budgets effectively and focus on high-ROI strategies.

Average Order Value

Understand customer spending habits and implement strategies to encourage higher-value transactions.

Product Sales by Category

Identify top-performing items and optimize their product offerings to maximize revenue.

Website Traffic Sources

Identify the most effective channels for driving visitors and potential customers to their online store, allowing online retailers to refine their marketing efforts.